Academic Boycott NOW

Academic Boycott NOW

On April 1st, Pitzer became the first US higher education institution to enact a significant measure of the Palestinian led call for academic boycott of Israel by closing its study abroad program to the University of Haifa. Haifa University is one of the pillar schools of the Israeli military and actively aids Israels ongoing apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of Palestine. This BDS victory comes after 6+ years of student organizing despite constant repression by the Pitzer administration and board of trustees. 

On Thursday April 11th Pitzer’s most inclusive shared governance body (College Council) comprised of students, faculty, and staff, passed resolution 60-R-5 for a complete academic boycott of israeli universities complicit in genocide and apartheid. Before this resolution got to the College Council, it was voted on unanimously through Pitzer’s Student Senate which is one of the largest per-capita college student governments in the world. These votes through the Pitzer government affirm the Pitzer communities demand for a principled Boycott Divestment Sanctions resolution at Pitzer in pursuit of a free Palestine. An hour after this decision President Strom Thacker vetoed this historic resolution, aligning himself firmly with apartheid and betraying Pitzer’s core values.      

Tell President Strom Thacker to approve the Academic Boycott Resolution Now! 



2. CLICK SEND to Pitzer Administrators and Board



Why do you support Suspend Pitzer Haifa?

  • Draw connections to labor movements, abolition movements, or other social movements you may have a connection to (maybe a school club, internship, class, etc)

  • Your personal connection does not need to be this long but here is an example:

    • Ex. Through Pitzer College, I participate in an internship with Huerta del Valle community garden. The garden’s mission is to fight food insecurity, health issues, and environmental racism in the Inland Region. This work is grounded in the reality that the disproportionate harms of food injustice, pollution, and poverty on the Inland Region’s communities of color are products of US imperialism, settler colonialism, and white supremacy. However, it is impossible to achieve food security, environmental justice, and liberation from white supremacy for one community without rejecting all forms of imperialism and settler colonialism. Right now, Palestinians in Gaza are facing starvation and disease due to Israel's blockade; food, water, fuel, and medication are running out. Israel’s siege and blockade of Gaza creates air, soil, and water pollution, and consequently environmental health disasters for Palestinians; 25% of diseases in Gaza are linked to poor water quality, as well as disproportionate rates of kidney problems and cancers. Israel is the 10th largest weapons exporter, which is one of the worlds most pollutive industries. Although experienced in very unique ways and at disproportionate magnitudes, there are clear ties that can be seen between the experiences of communities of color in the Inland Region at the hands of the US government and the experiences of Palestinians due to Israeli occupation. It is not possible for Pitzer to truly honor and support its partnership with Huerta del Valle community garden if it continues to contribute to support the Apartheid state of israel.

  • Positionality. Ex. The liberation and protection of Palestinian life is inextricably tied to that of US citizens; we, as US citizens, have an obligation to demand and advocate for Palestinian liberation because US tax dollars and weapon manufacturers support this genocide. Every single American citizen is implicated in and responsible for standing up against the genocide of Palestinains in Gaza at this moment.

  • Discrimination against Palestinian students, many of whom would not be allowed on this program because of a lack of right to return Israel enforces. 



On April 1st, Pitzer became the first US higher education institution to enact a significant measure of the Palestinian led call for academic boycott of Israel by closing its study abroad program to the University of Haifa. Haifa University is one of the pillar schools of the Israeli military and actively aids Israels ongoing apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of Palestine. This BDS victory comes after 6+ years of student organizing despite constant repression by the Pitzer administration and board of trustees. 

On Thursday April 11th Pitzer’s most inclusive shared governance body (College Council) comprised of students, faculty, and staff, passed resolution 60-R-5 for a complete academic boycott of israeli universities complicit in genocide and apartheid. Before this resolution got to the College Council, it was voted on unanimously through Pitzer’s Student Senate which is one of the largest per-capita college student governments in the world. These votes through the Pitzer government affirm the Pitzer communities demand for a principled Boycott Divestment Sanctions resolution at Pitzer in pursuit of a free Palestine. An hour after this decision President Strom Thacker vetoed this historic resolution, aligning himself firmly with apartheid and betraying Pitzer’s core values.      

Tell President Strom Thacker to approve the Academic Boycott Resolution Now! 



2. CLICK SEND to Pitzer Administrators and Board



Why do you support Suspend Pitzer Haifa?

  • Draw connections to labor movements, abolition movements, or other social movements you may have a connection to (maybe a school club, internship, class, etc)

  • Your personal connection does not need to be this long but here is an example:

    • Ex. Through Pitzer College, I participate in an internship with Huerta del Valle community garden. The garden’s mission is to fight food insecurity, health issues, and environmental racism in the Inland Region. This work is grounded in the reality that the disproportionate harms of food injustice, pollution, and poverty on the Inland Region’s communities of color are products of US imperialism, settler colonialism, and white supremacy. However, it is impossible to achieve food security, environmental justice, and liberation from white supremacy for one community without rejecting all forms of imperialism and settler colonialism. Right now, Palestinians in Gaza are facing starvation and disease due to Israel's blockade; food, water, fuel, and medication are running out. Israel’s siege and blockade of Gaza creates air, soil, and water pollution, and consequently environmental health disasters for Palestinians; 25% of diseases in Gaza are linked to poor water quality, as well as disproportionate rates of kidney problems and cancers. Israel is the 10th largest weapons exporter, which is one of the worlds most pollutive industries. Although experienced in very unique ways and at disproportionate magnitudes, there are clear ties that can be seen between the experiences of communities of color in the Inland Region at the hands of the US government and the experiences of Palestinians due to Israeli occupation. It is not possible for Pitzer to truly honor and support its partnership with Huerta del Valle community garden if it continues to contribute to support the Apartheid state of israel.

  • Positionality. Ex. The liberation and protection of Palestinian life is inextricably tied to that of US citizens; we, as US citizens, have an obligation to demand and advocate for Palestinian liberation because US tax dollars and weapon manufacturers support this genocide. Every single American citizen is implicated in and responsible for standing up against the genocide of Palestinains in Gaza at this moment.

  • Discrimination against Palestinian students, many of whom would not be allowed on this program because of a lack of right to return Israel enforces. 



Tell Strom: Approve the Academic Boycott Now

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